
 Alumni Registration

當學期(應屆)畢業生請先至 學生系統 完成離校申請。

Please login Student Portal to complete the application for leaving school.

  • 當學期(應屆)畢業生,完成校友註冊後 密碼 將同步更新至學生系統,登入學生系統時請使用此密碼進行系統登入。

    After completing the alumni portal registration, the password will be synchronized to the student portal.

  • 個人資料、身份證欄位僅供系統驗證及連絡使用,絕不用作其他用途!
  • 為保護資料安全,超過六個月未登入,需重進行身分驗證與申請密碼。

    If you haven't changed your password in more than six months, if you want to use the alumni system related functions,please re-authenticate your identity .

  • 相關問題,請與職涯發展中心(行政大樓2樓) 聯絡電話:(06) 2785123 #1151~#1153,謝謝您!!

    For related questions,please contact Career Development Center .